Assist – Travel/Transport


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Assist Personal Activities NDIS

Travel and transport can often present a challenge for many NDIS participants. At Civil Healthcare, we aim to simplify this process. Serving individuals across Newcastle, Maitland, and the Hunter Valley, our team offers reliable transportation services to NDIS participants, helping them navigate their community safely and conveniently.

Our Travel/Transport Assistance includes:

  • Arranging and coordinating transportation for appointments, social activities, and outings.
  • Accompanying individuals during travel to provide assistance and support.
  • Assistance with accessing public transportation, including buses, trains, or taxis.
  • Support with planning and organising travel routes and schedules.
    Assistance with mobility aids and equipment during travel.

Civil Healthcare takes great pride in enabling NDIS participants to maintain their independence. Our Assist-Travel/Transport services are designed to ease the stress and inconvenience often associated with travel, helping to create a more accessible world for those we support.

Through our commitment to quality, compassionate care, we strive to ensure NDIS participants across Newcastle, Maitland, and the Hunter Valley receive the transportation assistance they need to connect with their community and enjoy a greater sense of independence.